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Lacistemataceae Holistic Database Neotropical Plant Families Database U.K. Communities of Woodland & Scrub Species 2000 University of Reading Herbarium RNG, University of Reading, U.K.

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Lacistemopsis poculifera Kuhlm.

Protologue - the Holotype description

Kuhlmann J G (1940) Especies Novas Equatoriais e Tropicais-Orientais Brasileiras in Anais da Primeira Reuniao Sul-Americana de Botanica, Ministerio da Agricultura: Instituto de Biologia Vegetal Jardim Botanico, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 3: 85-86, plate 14

This is the only protologue I do not have for this family (as of 2019Sep27). If you have access to this book please email me the above pages to taxonomist at lacistemataceae dot org. Many thanks.

Type specimens

Herbaria Illustration Herbarium / Barcode Number Collector Name & Number Collection Date Country
Holotype RB RB-00539138 W A Ducke 386 1937 February 01 Brazil
Isotypes G G-00165298 W A Ducke 386 1937 February 01 Brazil
K K-000370521 " " "
L L-0040940 " " "
MO MO-2246505 " " "
NY NY-283964 " " "
P MNHN-P-P00690059 " " "
R R-000075709 " " "
RB RB-00542526 " " "
RB RB-00542525 " " "
S S08-14288 " " "
U U-0104858 " " "
US US-00104992 " " "
Syntypes None specified